Friday, December 30, 2005

Now you can say you knew me when....

This is the start of a runner’s blog for a returning runner. (I'm in my early 30's and ran in High has been a long await for my return)

I have worked my way from walking and running to running a mile. I have enjoyed my progress so far and have decided to try a 5K at the end of February. That is 2.1 more miles than I currently must train. I have a reasonable schedule (I may post later) that I have researched and I am ready to go.

It is now 11:00 am and I will start the first run of this training in about 30 min. Other than needing to change out of my red slippers I'm ready to go!! And Happy to be going!!

I figure this will keep me honest: I'm 5'5" and I have already lost 15 lbs. I want to be a healthy weight....what ever that ends up being. I wear a size 12ish in 8 would be nice.

In order to run more I have had to eat better so that is part of the deal. (if you eat CRAP for lunch it is hard to run after work with a tummy ache!!)

I will keep posting my progress If anyone cares to cheer me on feel free. If not that is fine too. I would love some encouragement or comments or ideas if anyone has them.

Today's plan is 1 mile (I haven't run in a few days [week] due to holidays) Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your endeavors.