Sunday, September 24, 2006

7 MILES!!!

 Distance: 7.0 miles   Time: infinity min    sunny 7:00 pm
Temperature: 76 °F Humidity: 79% Pressure: 30.06 inches rising
Holy Crap!! 7 Miles….who’da thunk? Ok…a few thoughts:

After 4-ish I just kept going…it stopped being quiet so hard
After 5 miles my left knee hurt but it was just tired
After all 7 I had to call people….They think I’m nuts
My right foot hurts a lot….but that may be from mopping the floor later that day. It’s better today.
This pain thing is getting old. But the new distance thing is pretty cool!!
I’m still tired.

Two of my aunts on my Dad’s side were in town this weekend and we had lunch today. It was nice enough to eat outside at a local restaurant. It was a very nice visit, and made all the cleaning and mopping yesterday worth it. 

This was a nice quiet weekend…not that I’m complaining, every once in a while I need one.

Catching up….finally!!


JustRun said...

Congratulations! 7 Miles- whoohoo!

Anonymous said...

7 Miles! Woah! Keep up the great work! I'm impressed...

Alysoun said...

you kick butt!