Monday, October 30, 2006

6 Band-Aids!!

Everyone hurry up and invest in J&J. I’m going to make the stock go up single handedly with my Band-Aid consumption.

2 toes, and two on the big ones on EACH arch.

Other than this new development the orthodics are fantastic!! I hope they continue to be. I had to go buy new shoes too. OH DARN!! You know I just HATED to have to do that. The Physical Therepist that they sent me to for the shin splints said that now my shoes overcorrected and a cushioned shoe would be better. Well if I MUST buy new sneakers…


The 8+ miles on Sunday went very well. My knees started to hurt a bit during the last mile but I was strong all the way. No super slow back hurting leg aching last 3 miles like before. I’m sure my back and legs are getting stronger but also my knees didn’t start hurting. When they did hurt it was more like when I get a new pair of shoes and I’m adjusting. I hope that is the case.

Well whether because I’m getting used to these long runs or because of the shoes I ran the 8 and change in 1.5 hours. That is a whole lot better than the 9 in two hours I had done before!!

It really was nice to have a long run that didn’t hurt.

Oh yeah...Stopping still hurts. Nothing to be done for that I guess.


Big Feet said...

My mom said you called today and was really excited about it!

I'm glad your shoes are making your shins better...I've been worried about you!

JustRun said...

Whoo hoo! New shoes! Glad you had a pain-free run.
Just out of curiosity, does your marathon plan contain drop back weeks for the long runs?

Runner Girl FL said...

JR - Yes the longest run on schedule is 20 miles in mid-December and then we taper back for 2 - 3 weeks. I have a long way to go till then.

GG - She wants to know if I just run until I'm stupid or do I take a sanity break before the marathon. I get a sanity break.