Sunday, January 29, 2006

This too shall pass

I ran today after I went to visit with my friend in the hospital. His Doctors came today to talk with his Mother. I was there when it was decided that all treatments would stop except the pain meds to make him comfortable. I have to admit a little peice of me is holding out for a miracle. Now the longest couple of days are to come.

Today my run wasn't as helpful in clearing my head as yesterday but his drive to workout and run with me is what will keep me running right now. When he first got sick the doctor told him not to raise his blood pressure too much by lifting or running so I would go for my run for the day and then go to his apartment and we would go for a walk. I miss him on the trail already but I had always thought it was temporary. This too shall pass. Now I know that this is not the way it will come pass and I will be running alone for a little while.

Someday I may find another friend to run with. Maybe I should get a dog. They are always in the mood to run, and they don't take as much work to coordinate a schedule.

running buddies are forever

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a test of the comments... I was told they were not working.