Friday, February 24, 2006

My Running Feets!!!

I went to the Health and Fitness expo today to pick up my Race Package for the 5-k tomorrow. There are free samples, my number, coupons etc in the bag. How ever they made me walk to the very back of the expo to pick up my stuff. Aren't they smart all those booths of stuff to buy and people to hand you free stuff.

Then in front corner of the room that I walked passed as I was leaving, there it was, a booth of people selling Nikes. Big deal people selling Nikes, but they had those treadmills with the camera behind them to watch your feets!!! I HAD TO DO IT!! I stand slightly pigeon toed and have very flat feet but I don't tend to over pronate (roll my ankles in) like most flat-footed pidgin-toed people (well no one is perfect). Soooo I waited my turn and put on the shoes they gave me (so they have everyone in the same shoes). What did I find out? That I don’t pronate like most people with flat feet, I have a good heel strike, I run up the outside of my feet like I should, and my toes come up off the ground like they should. Basically I run correctly!! That was good news, he said he would never have guessed from my stride that my feet were flat and my big toes were best friends. I should still wear the shoes with more support in the arches. He confirmed that it is my flat feet that make my knees hurt when the arches in my shoes are bad.

The coolest part was watching my feet do their thing with out messing them up by looking down or sideways to try to watch them. On Monday I went to MOSI to the BODIES exhibit. I saw all the bones in the feet, ankles, and legs and the muscles that move them. Then to watch my very own two little feets running on the screen moving like they should was really cool!! I imagined the bones in my feet pulling and pushing the ligaments hanging on and my bones allowing my ankle to stay straight. Very interesting. I would recommend it!!

I got runner feets!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the camera thing sounds cool!

good luck on the run!
