Saturday, March 04, 2006

5th Annual Bolt Run

I did it again!! YEA!! and I did it better!! By my watch I had a time of 40:34!! That is 1:20 faster. Last time my watch was with in a couple seconds of the chip time, so since this time there were no chips I figure the watch is better than the "official" time since I didn't start near the start of the pack.

This was a much smaller crowd and I was worried that with out people all around me I wouldn’t keep going but I was still distracted enough to not notice that I was still going.

I made a friend for the day. She is in town at MacDill AFB for a couple of months and was doing the run. I guess she figured out that I was alone too because she started a conversation with me while we were at the start. Afterwards I found her again (she ran much faster than me) and we hung out at the “after party.” It’s really more like a picnic on the plaza, but it was the best part. This time there was fruit and water but not just bananas. I’m not a big banana fan personally. AND there was PIZZA and BEER!! It rocked!! Two guys came and sat near us and joined in the conversation and the 4 of us waved at Thunder Bug (He is sooooo cute) and listened to the winners. (not me…hehehe) I had a lot of fun!! It was nice to talk about our times and improvements even though my time was soooo slow but they were all encouraging and nice and gave me some tips but weren’t nasty about if I was making any mistakes.

Last week was for me but this one was for Randy!! I’m glad it only got better. I know that as I do more of these I will get to a time when my times level out and some will be better than others, but for right now, I’m glad I am improving.

Running a little faster!


Anonymous said...

Good going, babe! I'm glad to hear you did so well, especially with the couple days sans training. And the pics in the last post were cute!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm glad you did it even better and made a couple friends at the same time. You didn't tell me they served mostly bananas at the Gasparilla one. The irony is rich. Did you wear your bracelet?!

Anonymous said...

Jen - Thanks!! I thought the pics were ok but you can't pass up getting your picture taken with pirates!! AAARRRGGG <-- (pirate for smile?)

MB - Since Gasparilla was really for me it wasn't nearly as funny as it would have been if they served only bananas at the Bolt run or Miles for Moffitt. And Yes I wore my bracelet, and the Buccaneers hat again.