Sunday, March 12, 2006

So far so good

Distance: 3.3 miles       Time: no time          Clear and warm 10:30 am
Temperature: 72 °F Humidity: ??% Pressure: ??.?? inches
I ran the tree today but it was a little weird. I borrowed a friends GPS running calculator. It was really cool. I measured two trails near USF today so I did 2 miles (2 x 1 mi trail) at one park and then the trail at USF and found that it was ~1.3 miles

So there was a break in the middle of the run but the trails are only a few minutes drive apart so it was worth it today to do it that way. Now I can run on the trails and have a better idea of how far I am going.

My arms are sore from the work on the fitness trail yesterday. It's not too bad though. I am also ready to add a short free weights program to tomorrow and some yoga for flexibility. I will pack a lunch tonight to save me time, so I am doing well on my new changes.

Until next time....keep running!!

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