Tuesday, June 27, 2006

This does get easier....RIGHT?!?!

Distance: 1.5 miles    Time: 16:50 min    Dawn 6:00 am
Temperature: 79 °F Humidity: 89% Pressure: 30.00 inches (rising)

Ok I was up again in time to run before work. This has to get easier at some point. It was easier last Thursday than it was today but I'm glad it's done for the day. It does make it easier to not have to think about when I eat and what I eat before I run. My tummy is funny about eating and running, always has been. In high school during track season I had to be careful what I picked in the lunch line….not always an easy task. Lunch was always far enough from running time after school that timing wasn’t a big deal but spaghetti day was a sad because it was one of my favorites but I didn’t dare if it was a long workout day.

In fact it is my turn to make dinner for “family dinner night” And I have some well loved stragglers joining us as well so with a larger crowd I think I will fix Magnetbabe’s Pomodo sauce. YUMMY!!


Anonymous said...

It does get easier, and then one day you'll start waking up too early and get mad that you can't sleep. Or at least I've heard about that happening a lot. I'm impressed that you got up early again! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

I think overall it does get easier. That said, there are always going to be tough days. The fact that you're up at all is sometimes accomplishment enough. Every step after that is just bonus. :-)

Anonymous said...

Once I am standing the running is easy....it's the standing that is hard. :)

Anonymous said...

Getting up does get easier. Staying up...never easy.