Saturday, July 01, 2006


Distance: Grrrr miles   Time: Grrr min    Partly Cloudy 8:30 am
Temperature: 82 °F Humidity: 80% Pressure: 30.18 inches (falling)
Well, I have apparently hit my limit. Last week I ran every run. This upped my weekly mileage from 2-3/week to 9.5 miles. I was doing well and went out on Tuesday for the 1.5 in the morning and missed Wednesday’s 3 mile but did it instead of 1.5 on Thursday. Well yesterday I went to TGI Friday’s and had to walk a few steps to sit at the table behind the bar. My shins HURT!! I had no Idea. Well this morning I got the full Idea!! I think while I am sleeping someone is coming into my room and beating my shins with a baseball bat!! I started my 3 miles this morning and had to turn around and walk back after about a mile. Not just my shins but my right knee too!! I must be over compensating or something. I can’t cross my legs with out the pressure hurting my right knee and shin. Today’s run was short but at least it was something. The next scheduled run is a short one on Tuesday morning. I will take lots of ibuprofen and put ice on my leg till then. Wish me luck.

It’s just frustrating because none of the runs were that bad. I just upped the number of times I got out a week. And I was really enjoying it. (even if it was hard to get up for the mornings) I’m sure I just need to get used to the extra miles.

Sitting now to run later….

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