Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Distance: 1.5 miles   Time: 16:34 min    Partly Cloudy 8:30 am
Temperature: 80 °F Humidity: 86% Pressure: 30.15 inches (falling)
YEA!! It’s the fourth of July!! One of my favorite holidays!! (Halloween is my very favorite) Here are a few past 4th of July highlinghts….

July 4, 2006 – I am going to go see Superman Returns on the IMAX in 3-D. (I haven’t seen it yet so don’t ruin it for me

July 4, 2005 – Cook out with Randy and then movies on the couch. It was a nice quiet fourth and lazy day off (Big party to attend was on the 3rd)

July 4, 2004 – I took a weekend trip to Charlotte, NC to see the little brother and his wife. We had a great time. Cookout, Baseball, Fireworks what more could you want, and those were just the activities on the fourth. (If you ever get to Carowinds Theme Park I highly recommend the BORG Assimilator!!! It’s like flying)

July 4, 2001 – Went to a party as the Designated Driver and came home with a KITTEN!! Really!!! Loki was a party favor from a fourth of July party. Thanks to J and K for encouraging me to take him home!! I’ll never forgive you two. Everything nice I ever had has been broken.

There have also been several years where the party has been at two houses and I just hopped between them. One was at the home of some friends from the Physics Department, including a July 3rd party last year. And the other at the home of one of my baseball buddies!! These parties always begat endless stories of the people in attendance, usually a burning monkey, and fire breathing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Fourth is one of my favorites. And I've never even come home with a cat! ;-)