Saturday, October 07, 2006

Stupid Internet

Well I have run twice since I have been able to get online. In fact as I sit and write this in Word the cable modem has puked yet again and I might not even get this up. So assuming you do actually see this post….

Wednesday’s run was done on Thursday and went just fine. I met FireGuy at his place and we ran at his end of town. 3 miles.

Today was the long run. It was the scheduled 9 miles. So this time I did it knowing that was how far I ran. I hope they don’t tell me this week that I really ran 12 miles. I feel better than I did the first time at this distance but it was still hard. My knees and foot didn’t hurt. Also the coach was riding a bike to be able to go between all of us. He rode slowly behind me for a little while trying to figure out why I have shin splints. He suggested that I try making sure my feet don’t slap especially my right one. Sure enough when I run concentrating on rolling off of my heels the pain was much less in my shins. It was well over half way before he suggested this so it was kinda hard to remember to keep doing it and to do it since I was tired, but when the pain came back a little I would remember. I’m sure it will be easier to remember if I practice during the shorter runs this week.

Another guy in the group suggested some little stretches and exercises for the shins. I really appreciate all the suggestions. I will try all the suggestions and have no idea which ones are working and which aren’t but at this point I don’t care. As long as something, anything, helps.

Well that’s it for now folks. Monday is Leif Erickson (Columbus) day and I’m off from the day job. I just have to teach in the evening. So I scheduled the cable guy to come between 8 am and 11 am. Then maybe I can post when I should.

I hate Road Runner sometimes.


JustRun said...

Way to go on the training! Keep it up. I think there's always some pain involved, as long as it's manageable. Shin splints are the worst though. Have you ever had your gait analyzed? I'm sure if you bought your shoes or have ever been in a running store, you have but that's something to consider.

Natalie said...

What exactly does a motem puke up?

Runner Girl FL said...

All kinds of gross little bits.


Anonymous said...

give the modem some pepto... maybe that will help!