Thursday, October 19, 2006

Post - Doctor Update

Ok so the doctor said I have...TA DAH!! Shin Splints. Shocking I know. She thinks it is because, when she had me walk barefoot, she found that I am ....

wait for it...


Told ya!

She said I over pronate more on my right foot so even though I seem run straight with motion control shoes I probably didn't stand a chance. :) So she prescribed orthodics to be made to put in my running shoes...nice soft ones she said, an anti-inflammatory that I should take 2 times a day, and physical therapy to give me some stretches and exercises. She did take x-rays and there are no stress fractures at this time. That is good news. So I go back to her in 4 weeks having done all of these things and we will see if they are better. If not she wants to do a bone density scan but she thinks this is all I need.

The Good News is I don’t have to stop running!! YEA!!

So I went this afternoon and had molds of my feets taken for the orthodics and set up an appointment for next Friday to see the PT person. I’ve never been such a problem before with so many follow up things!! I go to the doctor….they give me a prescription….I fill it…the green snot goes away. Really this is more than I’ve had to bother with. I am glad that it is all fixable and will stop hurting very soon.

The orthodics should be ready in a couple days. So I’ll most likely go next Friday and try them on (in) my shoes and they will fix any little things and I’ll be on my way.

Tomorrow I run 11 - 12 miles then I race out of town for the weekend. So I will tell you now that I will post on Monday!!

Have a good weekend!!

1 comment:

JustRun said...

Wow, orthodics. I know tons of people that have luck with those. Good luck with yours.

And, most of all, good luck on the 11-12!